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Blake Island Overnight Cruise

  • 25 Jan 2025
  • 26 Jan 2025
  • Blake Island, Central Puget Sound
  • 0


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The Blake Island Cruise

January 25-26

Time for our Annual long awaited BLAKE ISLAND overnight cruise!!! It's common knowledge once something has attained sheer awesomeness there is little reason to improve further. This overnight cruise just keeps on getting better & better with age & new membership. Gather your wits, your crew, your best dinner potluck item, your foulies, and your acquired PNW salty fortitude & head over to Blake Island for our STYC annual hoedown gathering where the Rum will be provided to the flock. And the fire will keep us all warm & toasty.

There will be a Waitlist for this cruise. Please sign-up. Boats ALWAYS drop out & spots open up prior the event.

As a reminder, this is a National Park. Annual permits can be purchased at the ranger station upon arrival check-in for $5/ft, or $.70/ft overnight only. Includes electric power. Dock space is on a first come first serve basis & open equally for the general public. That said, this is January in the central Puget Sound with little boating traffic. Who else but us STYC salts would be out there!

Likewise for consideration; the wild herd of bold banshee raccoons that anxiously await all human visitations with opportunities for brazen exploration of the interior (yes interior) of your boat...& the treasure trove of food it bares. Be forewarned. 

** The following items are requested: Help with set-up, Dinner potluck items (w/ a serving utensil), Wood, Lanterns of any type, 2 propane heaters, your own ice, mixers, and *your additional favorite beverages. Bring a plate & eating utensils from your own boat. Music/Musical instruments highly encouraged. Garbage bags! And help w/ clean-up.

Please reserve on our STYC webpage for an accurate head count:

Important: Please check back for Updates... there WILL indeed be updates.

Be there! Or you will wish like hell you had been... 


Kristina Southard, STYC Cruise Director

© Sloop Tavern Yacht Club
Sloop Tavern Yacht Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

2442 NW Market St #94 | Seattle, WA 98107

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